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Things to Ponder? (Three Again)

Why do a lot of people so blantantly abuse the four letter word that starts with F? It is used towards people that the user of the word, wouldnt want to touch with a ten foot pole.

Why do we so desperately want things that are bad for us, when intellectually, we somewhat know the outcome. It is kind of the same thing as when, there is no sparkle in a relationship. You are about to break-up with someone, and vocalize it. There is usually a response like, "I really didnt care about you anyway." Suddenly we are three again, and run to our room to cry, or worse yet beg that person to take us back again, knowing full well long term we would be exceedingly unhappy.

I wake up most mornings saying, "God please remind me not to stick my foot in my mouth. " During the course of the day it sometimes happens, and the aftertaste is never good. The really unfortunate thing is, you cant take it back, because its out there. The more you try to explain it away, the worse it gets. Once again we are three again. Some things to ponder, or not.

Julzzz R

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